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Vitopure anniversary writing competition winners

We are proud to announce the winners of the Vitopure Anniversary Writing Competition.

Winning Articles

Clean Water Solutions for Improving Quality of Life

Rushans Novaly | Kompasiana (blogger)

Water is the source of life. Not only humans but also animals and plants need water. Earth, the planet we inhabit, is 71% water, in the form of seas and oceans. Without water, the Earth would die.

Human dependence on water is vital. It's impossible to imagine human life without water on Earth. Water is essential not just for survival but for all aspects of human life.

Of the total water available on Earth, 97.5% is salt water in the seas and oceans, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water. Of that 2.5% of fresh water, 67.8% is locked in ice caps and glaciers in the North and South Poles. Another 30.1% is groundwater, and only 1.2% is surface water found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and hanging in the Earth's atmosphere.

In theory, humans can only access water from surface sources like lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or rainwater from the atmosphere.

The use and exploitation of groundwater can lead to disasters (according to Ground Water), especially if groundwater extraction is done unwisely and excessively. It can cause the ground to become porous, lowering the land surface, which impacts building structures, roads, and increases the risk of flooding. Excessive groundwater extraction can also cause seawater intrusion, where seawater enters freshwater aquifers, often occurring in coastal areas.

Considering the small percentage of accessible fresh water, it can be said that humans are vulnerable to a water crisis.

In Indonesia, some regions fall into the category of water scarcity. There is a saying "Air Su dekat," which humorously yet sadly reflects the water scarcity in Eastern Indonesia. For instance, in Atambua, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), in a hamlet called Haikrik, about an hour's drive from downtown Atambua, people have to walk kilometers to fetch water from between rocks in a valley.

Fetching this water is quite dangerous, requiring technique and bravery to descend into the valley. The water, of poor quality, is still used out of necessity. Containers are filled and carried on the heads of children and mothers. This grim sight occurs daily, morning and evening. The water they collect is far from adequate—murky, filled with particles, and likely contaminated with harmful bacteria and viruses.

Water and Usability Quality

From a quantity perspective, the amount of usable water on Earth is very limited. And in terms of quality, much of the available water does not meet usability standards. It is often smelly, oily, and very murky, even contaminated with heavy metals and harmful bacteria, making it hazardous.

Many factors contribute to water being classified as unusable. Here are some of those factors:

Water contaminated by E. coli bacteria can cause serious illnesses. If it enters the human body, it can lead to digestive disorders with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. Some strains of E. coli can even cause kidney failure. If E. coli enters the bloodstream, it can cause a life-threatening systemic infection.

Water is also prone to contamination from chemicals, whether from industrial waste, pesticides, or household waste. Water containing heavy metals like mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) from waste entering aquifers or being discharged into rivers or lakes is particularly concerning.

Traditional Water Treatment for Usability

Clean water management has traditionally been done in various parts of Indonesia as local wisdom passed down through generations. For example, in some areas of East Nusa Tenggara, rainwater collected in large reservoirs is allowed to settle for a period to allow heavy and coarse particles to settle at the bottom, and the clear water from the top is used.

This method, while not yielding optimal results, is one of the most widely used. In contrast, in parts of Java and Kalimantan, sand, stone, and gravel layers are used as filters, sometimes supplemented with coconut husk and charcoal to make the water clearer.

The layers of sand, stone, and gravel are arranged in a large barrel or drum with a diameter of 30-50 cm and a height of 50-100 cm. Water is poured into the reservoir, and gravity helps the water flow down, filtering through the layers. The clean water is then collected from a tap at the bottom.

Moringa Seeds and Alum as Water Purifiers

In some regions of Indonesia, crushed Moringa seeds are used to treat murky water. This process takes time, as Moringa seed powder acts as a natural coagulant, settling the dirt particles to clarify the water.

Similarly, alum is used in a manner similar to Moringa seeds. Alum is added to murky water and allowed to sit for a while, resulting in clearer water. Alum is believed to help settle small particles in the water.

Various simple and traditional methods of water purification have been employed, but the results often do not meet the standards of usable water. The water is still not safe for direct consumption due to the presence of bacteria, viruses, and ultra-fine particles that cannot be filtered out.

What is the Usability Standard for Water?

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health regulation (Permenkes) No. 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010 on drinking water quality, which also refers to WHO standards, the following are the parameters for potable water:

Physical Parameters: Water color should be at a maximum of 15 true color units (TCU), turbidity at a maximum of 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), odorless, tasteless, and with a temperature not exceeding 3°C above the ambient temperature.

Chemical Parameters: The pH level should be between 6.5 - 8.5, with organic substances not exceeding 10 mg/liter, iron (Fe) at a maximum of 0.3 mg/L, manganese (Mn) at a maximum of 0.1 mg/L. Hardness (CaCO3) should be a maximum of 500 mg/L, nitrate at a maximum of 10 mg/L, nitrite at a maximum of 1 mg/L, ammonia (NH3-N) at a maximum of 1.5 mg/L, sulfate (SO4) at a maximum of 250 mg/L, chloride (Cl) at a maximum of 250 mg/L, fluoride (F) at a maximum of 1.5 mg/L, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) at a maximum of 1000 mg/L.

Microbiological Parameters: Water must be free from E. coli bacteria in 100 ml samples, with total coliform at a maximum of 50 per 100 ml. The water should be free from harmful bacteria and viruses such as Salmonella, Shigella, and Vibrio cholerae, which can cause gastrointestinal infections, and viruses like Hepatitis A and Norovirus, which can cause infectious diseases. It must also be free from parasites like Giardia and Cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea.

Radioactive Parameters: Potable water must be free from Radon and Radium, with radioactivity levels within safe limits to avoid the risk of cancer or other health issues. For example, radon levels should be less than 0.1 Bq/L.

Water quality can be tested using home water test kits, but these usually only measure pH, chlorine, and turbidity. More comprehensive testing should be conducted by accredited laboratories with standardized equipment.

Ideally, water should be tested in government laboratories or research labs at universities. Some private laboratories also offer water testing services. Companies specializing in water treatment usually have water quality testing tools.

The water testing process begins with collecting water samples, sending them to a testing lab, and receiving the results. This process takes time as multiple parameters need to be tested.

Oily, Murky, and Smelly Water at Home

I've personally experienced the issue of unusable water. In my residential area in Tangerang Regency, the water is generally oily, murky, and smelly. The available water cannot be used for drinking, washing clothes, or cooking.

The groundwater leaves sediments that result in brown stains on containers, bathroom floors, and even on ladles and buckets. The poor water quality is a serious problem for most residents in the housing complex.

One solution is to treat the water traditionally using a water filter made from a used paint bucket, layered with pumice stones, sand, charcoal, and special fabric. The result is not optimal but is slightly better than untreated water.

The murkiness and smell of the water are somewhat reduced, but the oily layer is still visible. The water can be used for washing clothes or dishes but remains unsuitable for drinking.

Water purification can actually be done using a filtration system that employs advanced filter technology with various functions and uses. Current filter technology has evolved to treat low-quality water into high-quality, standardized water, even producing water that can be consumed directly from the tap.

The filtration process involves several stages, including sand and gravel filters that remove large particles and sediments, followed by membrane filtration technology (Reverse Osmosis/RO). At this stage, the water is purified from particles, ions, organic chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, and salts.

RO filtration uses a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure. This type of filter is highly effective at improving water quality, making it suitable for use.

Water filtration using UV light eliminates microorganisms like bacteria and viruses without the need for chemical additives. This method is highly effective, cost-efficient, and does not produce wastewater.

Various types of water filter technologies have their own functions and advantages. Viessmann, a company established in 1917 in Allendorf, Germany, produces innovative technology to improve people's quality of life worldwide. Viessmann has developed advanced modern filtration technology under the Vitopure brand.

The products range from simple tap filters to complex and complete purification systems. Vitopure offers a variety of methods and combinations of modern filters.

Using superior technology, such as strong and rust-resistant steel mesh filters that are easy to clean, Vitopure also incorporates KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) filters. This technology can eliminate harmful heavy metals and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Vitopure products are highly reliable and effective at removing sediments and scale that may settle in faucets, household appliances, and kitchenware. Vitopure technology removes residues, prevents sedimentation, rust, algae, and harmful particles from entering the water supply.

Drinking Water and Health Solutions

Drinking water is vital for health. Most people use refillable drinking water to meet their daily needs, as it is inexpensive and easy to obtain.

A 19-liter gallon can be purchased for just Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000, a very economical price. However, the quality of the water may not meet health standards. Additionally, the cleaning process of the gallon may not be sterile, making it vulnerable to harmful viruses and bacteria.

Refillable water can be substituted with filtered tap water using the Vitopure S4-RO technology. Using advanced German technology, with a multi-stage mechanical and chemical filtration technique called reverse osmosis (RO).

This is possible due to the use of a partially permeable membrane that separates desired ions and molecules. It also separates larger particles from water with maximum filtration accuracy. The result is safe, healthy drinking water, without the hassle of lifting gallons. The water flow rate can reach 2.2 liters per minute, sufficient to meet the needs of households and apartments.

Vitopure S4-RO has the advantage of being compact in size. The Vitopure S4-RO-800G can be placed on a table, or the Vitopure S4-RO-U can be placed under the sink. It is easy and flexible to install. This technology can remove sediments, harmful chemicals, kill harmful bacteria and viruses, eliminate heavy metals, effectively absorb chlorine and chloroform, and most importantly, neutralize odor and color.

Drinking water is very vital and crucial in daily life. Imagine if harmful heavy metals and chemicals enter the body and accumulate for years. The result could be dangerous diseases. The smart choice of healthy and safe drinking water is in our hands.

Freedom from Unhealthy Water, Viesmann's High-Standard Water Purification and Softening Solutions

Abdullah Karim Siregar |  (blogger)

Viessmann's Vitopure is a solution for urban water supply conditions that tend to contain sediments, minerals, microbes, fecal contamination, E-coli, and other substances harmful to health. However, this advanced German water purifier and softener can produce clean and safe water.

The United Nations General Assembly has explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation since 2010. Everyone is entitled to sufficient, sustainable, safe, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and household use.

Safe and easily accessible water is essential for human health, particularly for drinking and household activities. Therefore, the UN General Assembly established Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6 or Global Goal 6), which is to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all."

Target 6.1 calls for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water. The indicator for safe drinking water services is water that is located on the premises, available when needed, and free from fecal and priority chemical contamination.

Unfortunately, as mentioned by the World Health Organization (WHO), globally, at least 1.7 billion people used drinking water sources contaminated with feces in 2022. Microbial contamination of drinking water due to fecal contamination poses the greatest risk to drinking water safety.

Microbially contaminated drinking water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. It is estimated that around one million people die each year from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene.

Another danger is that in 2021, more than 251.4 million people required preventive treatment for schistosomiasis (an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms transmitted through exposure to contaminated water).

Household Water Quality in Indonesia

What about the situation in Indonesia? Indonesia still faces challenges in accessing clean and safe water.

According to WHO data in 2020, only 83% of Indonesian households had access to safe drinking water. Even a study by UNICEF in 2022 reported that nearly 70% of drinking water sources in Indonesian households are contaminated with fecal waste.

A similar picture is shown by the Household Drinking Water Quality Study (SKAMRT) from the Ministry of Health in 2020. The study found that 7 out of 10 Indonesian households consume drinking water contaminated with Escherichia coli (E-coli) bacteria.

The study also revealed that 31 percent of households in Indonesia consume refilled water, 15.9% from protected dug wells, and 14.1% from boreholes/pumps. While access to improved drinking water in Indonesia reaches 93 percent, access to safe drinking water is only 11.9 percent.

The limited access to clean and safe water, as mentioned by UNICEF and SKAMRT, is still experienced by some urban residents as well.

Groundwater supplies in cities usually contain sediments, minerals, and other substances that make the water hard—water with high mineral content—unlike "soft water." This can even contaminate household water appliances. The presence of naturally occurring chemicals, especially in groundwater, can also have adverse health effects, including arsenic and fluoride.

Likewise, other chemicals, such as lead, can increase in drinking water due to leaching (a process of extracting substances from solids by dissolving them in liquid, either naturally or through an industrial process) from water supply components that come into contact with drinking water.

For example, in Bekasi City, West Java. There are at least two water sources in my residential area, East Bekasi, Bekasi City: piped water and groundwater (boreholes/pumps).

Visually, piped water is much cleaner and clearer, although occasionally, the water entering houses is still slow and has an odor.

However, piped water can still be consumed after boiling. Unfortunately, according to the Indonesian Water Supply Association (PERPAMSI) data in 2023, only 19.47% of households have access to piped water.

On the other hand, groundwater flow is generally abundant. But the issue with water is not just quantity but also quality.

For example, the water in my neighborhood is usually cloudy, yellowish, crusty, and oily. Water tanks, bathroom floors, dippers, faucets, and water reservoirs or tanks also become yellow, crusty, muddy, and appear dirty.

Sadly, this groundwater can only be used for bathing and washing. It cannot be consumed, even after boiling.

Ultimately, residents without access to piped water must buy water for cooking from water vendors who roam residential areas every morning and evening. Many people also rely on refilled or bottled drinking water.

Traditional Filtration Does Not Solve the Problem

Various methods have been tried to address the cloudy, yellow, crusty, and oily groundwater. From traditional filtration methods using very simple filters to using commercially available water filters. But the results are never satisfactory.

Traditional filtration, for example, involves using a 15 to 20-liter bucket filled with layers of sand, coconut fiber or palm fiber, and gravel. One layer of sand and two layers each of fiber and gravel. The bucket, with a hole at the bottom, is then placed above a water storage tank, directly under a water faucet.

Visually, the water coming out of this traditional filter bucket is indeed clearer, but it still smells and takes a lot of time.

Every three days, the filter bucket must be cleaned. The sand, fiber, and gravel are removed from the bucket and washed. If not cleaned, the water flowing from the faucet into the bucket will overflow. This is because the filter bucket is full of "mud" sediment, and water will no longer flow out of the hole at the bottom of the bucket.

Another method is using old cloth or socks. Socks are cut to a length of 10 to 15 cm from the toe section. The faucet is inserted into the sock, and the top end is tied to the faucet.

The result is not much different from the filter bucket, and the sock must be removed and washed daily to allow water to flow. The same goes for commercial filters, which do not yield satisfying results.

Until one day, a friend visited my house. Seeing the bathroom's condition, he suggested using the "Viessmann" brand product that he uses at home. It can be used as a household water softener and purifier, as well as a drinking water softener and purifier.

He mentioned the Vitopure S4-RO-800G, one of Viessmann's Vitopure series. He said that Viessmann products are an innovative solution for providing pure and healthy water to the public, exactly what his family has been looking for. Traditional filtration is no longer adequate; innovative technology from Viessmann is needed.

The Vitopure S4-RO, he said, uses reverse osmosis (RO), a multi-stage mechanical filtration process, as well as a chemical filtration process to deeply clean water so it can be used for drinking and cooking.

He claimed to have seen the evidence and experienced the benefits of very clean, fresh, and healthier water, both for drinking and for bathroom needs.

"Viessmann's water purifier and softener truly produce clean, safe water, making tap water drinkable. The same goes for bathing and other bathroom needs," he said excitedly.

He treated the arrival of Vitopure in his home like a celebration of Indonesia's independence achieved on August 17, 1945. If Indonesia was liberated from colonization, then his home was freed from sediments such as dirt, sand, algae, germs, viruses, and bacteria. Even freed from chlorine, chloroform, and chemicals, pesticides, or other pollutants.

"Independence from colonization was achieved through the efforts of heroes and all the Indonesian people during the struggle. Now it's time for us to free ourselves from unhealthy water," he explained enthusiastically.

Vitopure, the Solution to Clean Water Availability Issues

Curious about my friend's recommendation, I decided to google it, and Google directed me to

Among the many Viessmann products, there's Vitopure, a household water softener and purifier. The lineup includes Vitopure S1, Vitopure S2, Vitopure S3, Vitopure S4, Vitopure S5, and Vitopure S6. There’s also a drinking water softener and purifier, namely Vitopure S4-RO.

Viessmann's Vitopure series for clean and safe water offers cutting-edge technology for household and drinking water treatment. Each series features advanced options for washing, bathing, and drinking water needs, available in both electric and non-electric devices.

It is mentioned that Vitopure S1, S2, S5, and S6 can prevent sediments, rust, algae, and other harmful substances from entering the water supply. They also enhance the durability of household appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters.

Vitopure's water filtration can extend the life of all appliances that use water, such as dishwashers, washing machines, showers, and more.

The S3 series, on the other hand, is designed to remove mineral content like calcium and magnesium, which can cause scale buildup, offering positive benefits for skin and hair.

Meanwhile, the S4-RO series employ multi-stage filtration that can make tap water at home clean, safe, and drinkable. These two series use compressed activated carbon filtration to remove color, odor, and taste from the water.

It is explained that Vitopure S4-RO is a multi-stage mechanical and chemical filtration process. This process is based on a partially permeable membrane that separates unwanted ions, molecules, and larger particles from water with maximum filtration accuracy.

Vitopure S4-RO can remove sediments (such as dirt, sand, algae, and more), germs, viruses, and bacteria. It can effectively absorb chlorine, chloroform, and chemicals (pesticides or other pollutants).

It also eliminates heavy metals (lead, mercury, and others), odors, and colors, ultimately producing clear, hygienic, and fresh water.

Moreover, its compact size and easy installation make it convenient, whether placed on the countertop or under the sink. No more hassle of lifting water gallons. The result: a seamless flow of pure, drinkable water from a dedicated filter faucet with a flow rate of 2.2 liters per minute.

Viessmann’s Commitment to Hygienic, Efficient, and Sustainable Water

The presence of water purifiers and softeners from Viessmann can produce clean, safe water and make tap water drinkable.

In addition to ensuring hygiene, Viessmann's water solutions can also help reduce the community's dependence on refilled or bottled drinking water (gallons). This also promotes environmental sustainability and efficiency.

This is all part of Viessmann's commitment to creating living spaces for future generations. This commitment has been brought by Viessmann from Germany to Indonesia. Viessmann's advanced technology provides solutions to the water issues faced by the Indonesian community.

In conjunction with the celebration of Vitopure’s third anniversary in Southeast Asia—especially in Indonesia—Viessmann marks the occasion by introducing innovative solutions designed to provide pure and healthy water to the Indonesian community.

Viessmann has only been in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, since April 2021. However, their experience in creating the best quality of life is undeniable.

Viessmann is a global leader in providing advanced heating, cooling, water, and air quality solutions, established in 1917 in Allendorf, Germany. Throughout this time, Viessmann has continuously helped improve the living conditions of people worldwide.

They educate about the importance of climate sustainability through their products (heating, cooling, water, and air quality) and renewable energy solutions, which play a central role in the energy transition toward a net-zero future.

Viessmann Launches High-Quality Water Filter Products for Vitopure’s Third Anniversary Celebration

Desi Yulieta | (Media)

The quality of water in Indonesia is experiencing a downward trend, both in rivers and groundwater. The government’s efforts over the years to expand access to clean water have resulted in 91% of households having access to safe drinking water. However, there is still a gap in access to drinking water of safe quality.

The availability of high-quality water solutions is now more comprehensive as Viessmann has introduced five new products designed to meet household water needs. This launch coincides with Vitopure's third anniversary celebration this year.

Advanced technology provides a solution to the water issues faced by the public, aligning with Viessmann's innovative efforts to deliver pure and healthy water for Indonesian communities.

This launch features five new products divided into two main categories: household water treatment Vitopure and drinking water treatment Vitopure.

Viessmann’s water filters and purifiers are available as standalone devices or combinations for optimal filtration and softening. Viessmann not only offers safe and easy-to-install shower and faucet filters but also complex filtration systems for your household water needs.

Household Water Treatment Vitopure

Pre-filters maintain and reduce damage to household appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, coffee machines, water heaters, or water purifiers. All S1 pre-filters can safely and effectively remove dirt, sand, algae, and other sediments from the water. The pre-filters work continuously to keep your water appliances and sanitation equipment clean.

Viessmann offers two solutions for central water purification in your home. The S2 electric purifier is best used for highly contaminated water when electricity is available for purification. When electricity is not available for filtration products, the non-electric S5 purifier is an option for cleaning water. The S2 filter, which uses electricity, is available in high-capacity versions. The compact S5 purifier can be installed under the sink.

The central Vitopure S2 filter is equipped with KDF and activated coconut shell carbon filters. It effectively cleans water by filtering sediments, chlorine, viruses, bacteria, and heavy metals. At the same time, the filter works to remove chlorine and unpleasant odors.

The S5 water purifier is available in three variants with different filtration stages, ranging from two to four stages. All S5 variants use PP fiber and coconut carbon filters. The 3-stage filtration includes compressed activated carbon, while the 4-stage filtration adds activated carbon with scale inhibition. Overall, these filters remove sediments, chlorine, calcium, as well as odors and colors.

The Viessmann S3 filter softens household water by extracting minerals like calcium or magnesium to prevent lime scale and extend the lifespan of water-using appliances. Soft water is also ideal for maintaining healthy skin and hair.

Viessmann’s water softeners operate through an ion exchange process, producing mineral-free water like calcium and magnesium and neutralizing minerals with resin. The smooth surface of the resin allows the softener to work efficiently for a long time. Salt added to the water purifier enables resin regeneration and the removal of minerals along with wastewater.

Drinking Water Treatment Vitopure

Viessmann’s water purifiers using multi-stage filtration systems can produce drinkable tap water. Viessmann's drinking water purifiers effectively remove all types of sediments, bacteria, viruses, as well as odors and colors. All drinking water purifiers come with a faucet for easy installation.

The Viessmann S6-S shower filter and S6-T faucet water filter are designed to filter sediments and chlorine before the water touches your skin. The compound filters efficiently remove color and unpleasant odors, ensuring clean and hygienic sanitation. These devices are easy to install and maintain on your own.

Celebrating Safe and Reliable Clean Water Solutions from Viessmann

Wirno Bungkul | Public

Indonesia is gearing up for its "Golden Generation" in 2045, a milestone marked by an increase in the productive population, which is expected to reach 70% of the total population. To make the most of this moment, the country is mobilizing all its resources in hopes of becoming a developed nation that significantly benefits its people.

Alongside a strong and skilled workforce, robust natural resources are essential to support this preparation. However, when it comes to natural resources, there are urgent issues that need immediate attention, one of which is access to clean water.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), clean water is water that is safe for consumption, including drinking, food preparation, and other household activities like bathing and cleaning. For water to be considered clean, it must be clear, odorless, non-sticky, free from unusual colors, strange tastes, biological contaminants, harmful substances, and it should not contain dust, sand, or other sediments.

Despite Indonesia's abundance of water resources, not all citizens have access to clean, safe, and hygienic water. So, what are the clean water challenges in Indonesia? What solutions are people choosing to overcome them? And how can you ensure safe water at home? Let’s explore these questions in this article.

Clean Water Issues in Indonesia

As mentioned earlier, Indonesia is facing a clean water crisis, especially in densely populated urban areas. Although this crisis is not uniform across all provinces, certain regions are experiencing more severe challenges. This issue is a significant hurdle as Indonesia prepares for its Golden Generation in 2045, which will require substantial water resources.

Here are some of the key clean water challenges faced by Indonesia:

1. Clean Water for Consumption

The first issue is clean water for consumption, which includes water used for drinking, washing dishes, cleaning food, cooking, and more. A study conducted by STARMART in 2020 found that 7 out of 10 households in Indonesia consume water contaminated with Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Additionally, 31% of households regularly consume refillable gallon water, which may not be safe due to the presence of Bisphenol A (BPA), endocrine disruptors, and microplastics. Shockingly, only 11.9% of households have access to safe drinking water. This means that if there were around 70 million households in Indonesia in 2022, only about 8 million have access to safe, clean drinking water.

2. Clean Water for Productivity

Beyond consumption, clean water is also needed for other essential activities like bathing, washing clothes, and watering plants. In some areas, people rely on rivers for these purposes. However, out of 111 rivers identified in Indonesia, only 8.1% meet water quality standards, while the rest are polluted by domestic, industrial, agricultural, livestock, and fishery waste. Alarmingly, according to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), around 10,638 villages or sub-districts suffer from severe water pollution. Long-term use of unsafe water can lead to various health issues such as cancer, rashes, fungal infections, diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and polio.

Clean Water Issues in Indonesia

The problems outlined above are just a small part of Indonesia's water issues. Other significant concerns include the decreasing availability of springs, dwindling water flow, river pollution, and excessive groundwater exploitation. Despite these challenges, some people still rely on unsafe water due to a lack of options or insufficient knowledge about clean water standards.

To address these issues, many people use traditional water filtration methods to clarify or deodorize the water.  

Traditional Water Filtration Methods in Indonesia

Indonesia has a variety of traditional water filtration methods that have been used for decades or even centuries. These methods aim to clarify, remove odors, colors, and hardness from water. While these traditional filters are used for both domestic and consumption purposes, they may not always ensure long-term health safety. Here are some common traditional filtration methods still in use today:

1. Charcoal Filter

Charcoal filters use sand and gravel, with the charcoal typically made from hard shells. The activated carbon in charcoal helps remove unpleasant odors from water. However, this method does not guarantee that the water is safe, especially for consumption.

2. Sedimentary Rock Filter

Popular in Bali, this method uses the porous nature of sedimentary rocks to filter water. The process is slow, inefficient, and limited in its ability to handle certain levels of turbidity. Additionally, there’s no assurance that the filtered water will be free from harmful contaminants.

3. Stone and Mortar Filter

Similar to sedimentary rock filters but using different materials, this method involves filtering water through the pores of stones and mortars. It is often used for water from dug wells or irrigation channels but provides lower-quality filtration compared to methods like charcoal or other modern techniques.

4. Cotton Cloth Filter

Cotton cloth filters are popular due to the easy availability of materials and simple manufacturing process. The dense fibers of the cotton help filter the water, but the flow rate is low, and the quality of the filtered water is relatively poor.

5. Ceramic Filter

Ceramic filters use a silver compound as a disinfectant to kill bacteria. However, dirt in the raw water can accumulate and block the filter surface over time. To prevent this, the raw water should not be too turbid, and the ceramic filter needs daily cleaning if the water is dirty. While ceramic filters are durable and can be stored for long periods, the quality of the filtered water remains relatively low.

6. Cotton Filter

Cotton filters work similarly to cloth filters and are believed to remove dirt and small organisms from murky water. The effectiveness of this filter depends on the thickness and density of the cotton used. However, thicker cotton reduces the flow rate, and the filtered water may still contain harmful contaminants compared to modern filtration tools.

7. Aeration Filtration

Aeration is a filtration technique focused on clarifying water by infusing it with oxygen. By adding oxygen, substances like carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane that affect the taste and smell of water can be reduced by up to 80%. Additionally, dissolved minerals such as iron and manganese are quickly oxidized, forming sediment that can be removed through sedimentation or filtration. While this method results in clearer, odor-free water, it still cannot guarantee safety as it does not remove unwanted ions and molecules.

8. Slow Sand Filter (SSF)

The Slow Sand Filter uses a layer of sand on top and gravel underneath. Water passes through the sand layer before reaching the gravel. Although it can clarify water, the quality of water filtered by SSF is generally lower than that filtered by aeration.

9. Rapid Sand Filter (RSF)

The Rapid Sand Filter is similar to the Slow Sand Filter, but with the filtering direction reversed, from the bottom up. This method offers better filtration performance compared to SSF but still cannot guarantee the safety of the filtered water.

10. Gravity-Fed Filtering System

This system combines the Rapid Sand Filter and the Slow Sand Filter. Water undergoes two stages of filtration: first through the Rapid Sand Filter and then through the Slow Sand Filter. This two-step process aims to produce clearer water, but it still cannot guarantee that the water is safe for direct consumption.

11. Safe Clean Water Solutions from Viessmann

Traditional filtration methods do not guarantee that the water will be free of bacteria and safe from pathogens. Therefore, modern filtration tools are needed to replace traditional methods.

Modern filtration systems are essential not only for those relying on unsafe river water but also for urban and suburban residents who use groundwater for daily needs. Shallow wells, typically drilled to 10-15 meters, often yield muddy, smelly water with sediment, especially after rain. To obtain clearer water, deeper drilling is necessary, sometimes 50 to 100 meters. However, even deep-well water may not be safe to use, despite its clarity.

Viessmann offers modern filtration solutions in Indonesia to address these needs for clean water at home and in the office. With proven products in 70 different countries, Viessmann is a top choice for providing clean water.

Viessmann's Water Purification Products

Viessmann's Vitopure series includes water purifiers and softeners designed for both consumption and productivity. Specifically, the Vitopure S4-RO is designed for purifying water for consumption. This device ensures that water used daily, whether for drinking, washing dishes, or cooking, is safer from harmful contaminants.

The Vitopure S4-RO uses reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage mechanical and chemical filtration to guarantee that the water is 100 times safer than traditional methods. The combination of these techniques effectively removes unwanted ions and molecules, as they are larger than water molecules, ensuring superior filtration.

In addition to purifying water, the Vitopure S4-RO removes sediments such as dirt, sand, algae, pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. It also absorbs chlorine, chloroform, and other chemicals like pesticides and pollutants, and eliminates heavy metals such as lead and mercury, thereby removing odors and discoloration. Compact, space-efficient, and easy to install, the Vitopure S4-RO is ideal for new homes or families relying on groundwater or refillable water gallons for daily use.

Vitopure for Productivity

Viessmann’s Vitopure series offers solutions for ensuring safe and clean water for productivity purposes, such as for bathing, washing, and use in appliances like washing machines and dishwashers. Here’s an overview of the Vitopure products designed for household productivity:

1. Vitopure S1

The Vitopure S1 is a pre-filter designed to effectively remove dirt, sand, algae, and other sediments from water. It helps prolong the lifespan of household appliances and ensures safe water for tasks like dishwashing, laundry, and bathing. It features a stainless steel mesh filter, making it safe for use in tasks like washing rice or cooking. The Vitopure S1 comes in three models:

  •   S1-A: Includes automatic flushing and a digital display for easier daily operation.
  • S1-B: Provides reliable pre-filtration.
  • S1-M: Offers pressure stabilization.

2. Vitopure S2

The Vitopure S2 is an electric central filter that removes harmful contaminants from water. Its large capacity and automatic flushing feature make it suitable for new families. It uses high-capacity electric filtration, automatic rinsing with Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) filter and activated carbon from coconut shells to neutralize odors and colors. It also absorbs chlorine and chloroform and eliminates sediment.

3. Vitopure S3

The Vitopure S3 is a modern filter with special water-softening capabilities to prevent rust in household appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, coffee makers, and water heaters. It reduces water hardness caused by harmful minerals like calcium and magnesium, making the water suitable for hair washing, skin cleaning, and oral hygiene.

4. Vitopure S4

The Vitopure S4 is a high-quality household water purifier with multi-stage filtration technology. It can turn tap water into water as clean as bottled water, often better than refillable gallon water. The S4’s filtration system, including advanced S4-C and S4-D technologies, removes sediments, pathogens, and heavy metals, neutralizing odors and colors.

5. Vitopure S5

The Vitopure S5 is a non-electric water purifier that provides the same high-quality results as other Vitopure models. It effectively removes chlorine, chloroform, calcium, and unwanted minerals, and eliminates sediments like dirt and sand. It also neutralizes odors and colors, making water clearer. The S5 is available in three variants with different numbers of filtration stages: two, three, and four stages.

6. Vitopure S6

The Vitopure S6 is designed specifically for showers and faucets, using activated carbon from coconut shells to filter out chlorine, chloroform, and sediments like dirt, sand, and algae. It ensures that the water is clear, odor-free, and colorless.

These Vitopure models from Viessmann provide comprehensive solutions for ensuring clean and safe water for both consumption and productivity, meeting various household needs.

Other Viessmann Product Categories

In addition to providing modern water filtration solutions for consumption and productivity, Viessmann offers other high-quality products for Indonesian households, including:

1. Water Heaters

Viessmann’s water heaters are part of the Vitowell series, designed for safety and durability. They come equipped with special ELCB technology for electrical protection, which cuts off the power in case of an electrical fault. The Vitowel series includes several models:

  • Vitowel Comfort Classic: A slim, cube-shaped water heater with temperature adjustment and a Ceratech-coated tank.
  • Vitowel Comfort Premium: A cube-shaped heater with LED temperature control, ceramic heating elements, and electronic ELCB.
  • Vitowel Comfort Deluxe: Features a smooth touch screen, electronic timer, dual power options, and electronic ELCB.
  • Vitowel Comfort Silinder: A cylindrical model with advanced enamel coating, electronic ELCB, LED temperature display, and flexible installation options (horizontal or vertical).

2. Heat Pumps

Viessmann’s heat pumps come in the Vitocal series, offering air-to-water and water-to-water options. These units are energy-efficient, reducing electricity bills and can utilize renewable energy sources like solar power to lower CO2 emissions. The Vitocal series includes:

  • Vitocal 250-A: An air-source heat pump with a heating output of 2.6 to 13.4 kW, designed for higher efficiency.
  • Vitocal 252-A: Similar to the 250-A but includes an integral DHW cylinder for modern cooling functions.
  • Vitocal 200-A: An indoor air-source heat pump with a heating output of 7.5 kW, known for quieter operation.
  • Vitocal 222-A: An air-source heat pump with a heating output of 3.8 to 11.6 kW and an integral DHW cylinder for efficient heating and cooling.
  • Vitocal 150-A: An air-source heat pump with a heating output of 2.6 to 14.9 kW, offering high energy efficiency.
  • Vitocal 151-A: An air-source heat pump with a heating output of 2.6 to 14.9 kW and an integral DHW cylinder for improved efficiency.

3. DHW Tanks

Viessmann’s DHW tanks come in the Vitocell series, designed to store hot water and drinking water for household use. These tanks can be combined with Vitopure filtration systems to ensure cleaner and safer water for drinking, cooking, and other uses. The Vitocell series includes:

  • DHW Cylinder: Standard storage tanks for hot water.
  • Dual-mode DHW Cylinder: Tanks designed for both heating and storage.
  • Support Cylinder: For supporting heating systems with additional water storage.

These products enhance the quality and safety of water and heating systems in homes, providing reliable solutions for various needs.

4. Gas Boilers

The final product category from Viessmann is gas boilers, which are part of the Vitodens series. These products are designed to use less energy, making them more energy-efficient and suitable for both residential and office settings. With their compact design, high energy efficiency, and reliable quality, these boilers provide durable heating. The Vitodens series includes several models:

- Vitodens 300:

  • Vitodens 300 (Type C13): Features a gas condensing boiler with more efficient combustion control.
  • Vitodens 222-W: Offers a heating output ranging from 1.9 to 32 kW.
  • Vitocrossal 200 (Type CIB): Provides a heating output from 80 to 318 kW.

- Vitodens 200:

  • Vitocrossal 300 (Type C13): Includes a gas condensing boiler with efficient combustion control.
  • Vitodens 222-W: Heating output ranges from 1.9 to 32 kW.
  • Vitocrossal 200 (Type CIB): Heating output from 80 to 318 kW.
  •   Vitodens 200-W: A wall-mounted gas condensing boiler with a heating output ranging from 49 to 150 kW, featuring a multi-boiler system up to 594 kW.

- Vitodens 100:

  • Vitodens 100-W/111-W: Wall-mounted gas condensing boilers with a heating output from 3.2 to 32 kW.
  • Vitodens 111-F: A combi storage gas condensing boiler with a heating output from 3.2 to 32 kW.
  • Vitodens 141-F: A combi storage gas condensing boiler with a heating output from 2.5 to 25 kW.

*However, please note that certain product categories may not be available in Indonesia.


Relying on traditional water filtration methods for consumption or productivity purposes is not a wise choice, as the filtered water may still harbor harmful bacteria, germs, and sediments. Even if the water appears clearer and odorless, it may not be safe for consumption.

For guaranteed safety, modern filtration products are essential. Viessmann offers reliable solutions for clean water at home, including water filters, water heaters, heat pumps, storage tanks, solar heating systems, and gas boilers.  

Last but not least, happy 3rd anniversary to Viessmann. May you continue to grow and innovate to be the leading solution for clean water needs now and in the future.

About Indifference, Celebrating Clean Water, and a Solution Called Vitopure

Feri Fadli | Public

In many parts of Indonesia, water issues are often considered less important because it's seen as an abundant resource. However, the continuously declining quality of water is alarming and has created serious long-term impacts. Research from the University of Indonesia reveals that about 30% of drinking water systems in major cities like Jakarta and Surabaya are contaminated with heavy metals, posing health risks to the public. This research shows that millions of people are exposed to poor water quality without understanding its long-term health effects.

Even more concerning is the ongoing indifference towards water quality. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) warns that if this behavior continues, by 2030, over 60% of major city water sources will be in critical condition with severe pollution. This water crisis will force people to seek increasingly expensive and scarce clean water sources in the future. The public seems unaware that the water quality challenges in Indonesia are deep-rooted and require serious attention, as they threaten not only health but also the environment and ecosystems.

Many behaviors reflect a low awareness of water management, such as wasting water by leaving taps running while brushing teeth, washing hands, or dishes. Another example is using hoses to water plants or clean yards without managing the water flow wisely. These common practices show a general lack of care in water management.

Despite easily accessible regulations and information on maintaining water source quality, public behavior remains poor. Household waste, plastics, and food scraps are often dumped into water channels. Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) openly discharge hazardous chemicals like detergents, oils, and cleaning products into water channels, contaminating water sources.

According to 2023 data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), 40.64% of households in Indonesia use branded bottled water or refilled water as their drinking source. Additionally, 17.07% obtain drinking water from wells or pumps, 15.26% from protected wells, and 12.17% from protected or unprotected springs. This data is concerning as the water sources are already contaminated due to public behavior.

From a health perspective, poor water quality for sanitation (bathing, washing, toilet use) can lead to the spread of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis A, and parasitic infections. Exposure to heavy metals and harmful chemicals in water can cause long-term health issues like cancer and organ damage. Economically, this translates to high medical costs, reduced productivity, and a burden on the healthcare system.

Despite Advancements in Modern Technology, Many Indonesians Still Rely on Traditional Water Filtration Methods, traditional filtration methods have historical and cultural value, they often do not meet the necessary health standards. Common traditional methods used today include ceramic or sand filtration and activated carbon. However, these methods have limitations in producing high-quality water.

For example, ceramic filters can reduce turbidity and some contaminants, but they are ineffective at filtering out heavy metals or pesticides commonly found in water sources. Similarly, activated carbon can absorb some chemicals but does not address microbial or finer contaminants.

The drawbacks of traditional filtration methods are significant. People relying on these methods face a high risk of waterborne diseases due to contamination that simple filtration cannot fully address. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that about 25% of diarrhea cases in Indonesia annually are linked to water that hasn't undergone recommended filtration. The World Bank estimates that the cost of treating water-related diseases caused by inadequate filtration methods can reach up to IDR 10 trillion per year.

Introducing more efficient filtration technology and raising awareness about the risks of traditional methods can address these issues. Viessmann, known for its advanced technology in heating systems and renewable energy, also contributes to water purification technology through partnerships and products that improve access to clean and healthy water.

In Indonesia, Viessmann offers solutions for water quality issues with products like Vitopure. Vitopure is an advanced water filtration system designed to enhance drinking water quality with high efficiency. It uses advanced filtration technology that combines activated carbon filters and membrane technology to remove various contaminants from water.

Vitopure can filter chlorine, heavy metals, and microorganisms, ensuring that the water produced is not only clean but also safe to drink. Notable features of Vitopure include high-capacity filtration systems suitable for both residential and commercial use. The technology is designed to handle various levels of contamination, providing purer and higher-quality water. With easy installation and minimal maintenance, Vitopure offers a practical solution for improving water quality without technical complications.

Vitopure's standout features as a water softening and purification technology include:

  • Vitopure S1: The basic model for household water purification. It removes dirt particles and reduces water hardness, providing softer and cleaner water for daily use.
  • Vitopure S2: Enhances performance with an additional activated carbon filter to remove unwanted odors and tastes, and to better address hard water, resulting in fresher and softer water.
  • Vitopure S2-2G: Includes automatic monitoring technology to ensure optimal water quality, ideal for household or office use.
  • Vitopure S3: Offers advanced filtration with HEPA and activated carbon filters, effectively handling hard water issues and providing purer and softer water.
  • Vitopure S4: Incorporates UV-C technology to kill bacteria and viruses, ensuring hygienic water while softening water hardness for optimal quality.
  • Vitopure S4-RO: Combines Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology with activated carbon filters and UV-C, effectively removing particles, dirt, and contaminants, including harmful minerals and chemicals, ensuring very clean and safe water.
  • Vitopure S5: Features smart controls and Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing monitoring and adjustments via a smartphone app for automatic settings based on water quality. Its water softener is optimized for the best results.
  • Vitopure S6: A premium model that integrates all the latest technologies, including HEPA filtration, activated carbon, and UV-C. With an elegant design and advanced automatic features, it provides a complete solution for water purification and softening, ensuring very clean, soft, and safe water.

In celebration of its third anniversary, Vitopure invites everyone to celebrate clean water solutions through the joy and satisfaction of truly pure and healthy water. Vitopure not only offers innovative solutions for clean water but also ensures that every drop enjoyed by the public comes from technology designed specifically to meet the needs of Indonesians.

Vitopure's water filtration technology is revolutionary and leading in addressing water quality challenges in Indonesia. It guarantees quality that improves water taste and clarity while ensuring public safety and health. This is a significant step towards a cleaner and healthier future for Indonesia, where every drop of Vitopure-filtered water supports a better lifestyle.

By celebrating clean water solutions with Vitopure, the community not only enjoys technological achievements but also saves lives through clean and healthy water. Viessmann invites everyone to commit to maintaining water quality and utilizing the innovative Vitopure solution for a brighter future. Congratulations on Vitopure's third anniversary—wishing you continued success and prosperity!

Celebrating Clean Water Solutions

Edward Simanjuntak | Public

The rapid development and exploitation of resources in Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency, where I currently reside, have led to significant ecological and environmental impacts. Both mining companies and housing developers have conducted extensive operations that disrupt and pollute the soil and water ecosystems in the area. This often results in social and health issues for communities directly affected by these activities.

This situation prompted me to highlight the state of clean water utilization in Gunung Sindur. I hope that local government, private sector, and community members will actively recognize the importance of preserving nature and the environment to ensure the sustainability of local resources.

Unchecked exploitation and excessive development could become a ticking time bomb. The increasing human population, rapid modernization, low public awareness, and slow environmental reconciliation by local authorities exacerbate the problem. Modernization and physical development should not be a cause for concern if the government, private sector, and community work together to align development programs with revitalization and sustainable maintenance efforts. The lack of public awareness is alarming, especially when some communities still use river water for bathing, washing, and sanitation, leading to deteriorating environmental quality and making clean water a rare commodity.

According to the West Java Provincial Statistics Center report on households with access to adequate drinking water sources (2021-2023), Bogor Regency ranks 20th (92%) out of 27 cities/regencies in West Java, trailing behind nearby cities like Bogor (98.83%), Bekasi (99.02%), and Depok (99.51%). This means that 8% of households in Bogor Regency still lack access to clean water. (Source: [BPS West Java](

In line with World Water Day 2024's theme, "Water for Peace," we are encouraged to utilize water resources wisely, ensure equitable access, foster harmony between communities and governments, and balance everyone's needs with a dedication to leaving no one behind, using water as a catalyst for a more peaceful world. This moment should prompt the Indonesian government, especially Bogor Regency, to work hard to meet basic needs, including clean drinking water, which is a key Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation).

As technology advances, especially in the industrial sector, many companies are making breakthroughs and innovations in providing clean water. Viessmann, a leading global provider of clean water solutions, now uses advanced strategies and scientific benchmarks to develop holistic sustainability practices, contributing positively to clean water usage and achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Viessmann, with its spirit of innovation and independence, has successfully created and supported living spaces for the availability and sustainability of clean water. Through research, development, and innovative breakthroughs, Viessmann has produced environmentally friendly products for clean water solutions. The Vitopure S4-RO, a high-tech water purifier and softener, significantly improves tap water quality. This product uses 3-4 filtration stages and Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology to produce drinkable water, free from heavy metals, viruses, and bacteria.

The key to addressing the rapid development and resource exploitation in any area, besides government outreach, is how both the government and private sector engage in environmental reconciliation, revitalization, and provide socio-cultural approaches to communities vulnerable to health issues. Innovative products like Viessmann’s offer a way for the government to contribute positively to promoting clean water use.

Clean environments and access to clean water depend on the support, awareness, and participation of all parties. I urge the government, community members, and private sector in Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency, to join together in #SalingSadar #SalingJaga #SalingPeduli for a clean and healthy environment, ensuring the availability and sustainability of clean water for the future.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Viessmann for providing a platform for sharing and actively contributing to clean water solutions. I also congratulate Vitopure on its third anniversary. May dedication and innovation continue to thrive and benefit the community. Let us celebrate clean water solutions together for a better life.

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